March 23, 2012


Is everyone reconciled to God?
Some claim that it is so!
Even the one who is bad
And goes to hell had been reconciled too!

But why would he go there,
If God has reconciled him?
They claim that he chose to be there
For he did not reconcile himself to Him.

Could we believe that teaching
That when God made the reconciliation
The other party is still rejecting?
Would God fail to bring it to completion?

Will God start a good work in you
and fail to finish it?
Will He make a reconciliation to you
that in His Kingdom you'll be out of it?

God's Word, however, teaches,
That whom He gave reconciliation (Rom. 5:11)
He had given not probation, but faith, joy, peace,
Hope, endurance and justification (vv. 1-9)!

Thanks (^_^)
Ocha Samohito